Payment Terms
By agreeing simple terms that will be fair to us both, I aim to keep my payment policy as simple and friendly as possible, while avoiding exposure to unnecessary risk.
Please do not be offended by being asked to make full or part payment in advance on the first project I do for you, this is not a reflection on you or your company.
Payment Terms
UK based ad hoc clients:
By agreeing simple terms that will be fair to us both, I aim to keep my payment policy as simple and friendly as possible, while avoiding exposure to unnecessary risk.
Please do not be offended by being asked to make full or part payment in advance on the first project I do for you, this is not a reflection on you or your company.
Non-UK based ad hoc clients:
All projects: Full project fee is payable in advance. It is invoiced as soon as you book the job.
If your company’s purchasing policy makes either of these conditions impossible for you to proceed, please tell me this before contracting the job, so I can consider whether to agree to alternative terms.
Regular Clients:
You are a client for whom I write ‘ongoing’ blog posts or other monthly tasks.
Payment is monthly in advance.
Should the quantity of posts actually taken in any month vary from the contracted agreed quantity, the following month’s invoice will correct the sum to be paid, in either direction.
Big Project Clients:
If you are a client whose project merits milestone payments, if your project is lengthy, for example a very large website that is going to take several weeks to complete, it will be broken into agreed milestones.
Invoices for all milestones will be issued on booking the project, with payment of each milestone due before work commences on the subsequent milestone.
If the project is the first job I have done for you, there will be an initial payment stage payable in advance.
How to make payment:
Unless otherwise agreed, UK payment must be made by UK online bank transfer (BACS). Account details are provided on the invoice. International payment should be made via SWIFT or other recognised international electronic bank transfer. International banking details will be provided to you via email.
If your accounts department requires any information additional to that shown on your invoice, or provided by us, they must request this information from us in sufficient time to complete payment by the appropriate date.
Thank you in advance for prompt payment. If any of these terms are unclear, or you have questions please do not hesitate to get in touch.